Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck


Sometimes, no amount of crunches can fix a stretched-out abdominal wall or loose skin. An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, tightens muscles and removes excess skin and fat, especially after pregnancy or weight loss. While liposuction can address fat, it won’t fix muscle separation or excess skin. The scar may sound daunting, but for the right candidate, it’s a game-changer. Let’s discuss the best approach for your anatomy and goals!

After pregnancy, weight loss, or just with age, there can be a degree of laxity to the abdominal wall that is best treated with an abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck.” This surgery allows for the tightening of the muscles as well as the removal of excess fat and skin from the lower abdomen. It is common also to include liposuction of the flanks and back for the best results. There are many variations to the traditional tummy tuck that can be used based on your specific anatomy.While a strong core is helpful, many extremely fit patients are still excellent candidates for this procedure because all the exercise in the world can’t tighten a significant gap between the rectus muscles (a rectus diastasis) and definitely can’t fix skin laxity.We take many precautions during this surgery to make the procedure as safe and comfortable as possible. It can often be combined with complementary procedures such as liposuction, Renuvion tissue tightening, and breast surgery.

Before & Afters
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*Getting Ready for Your Upcoming Surgery (Required)
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*Medication Guide for Abdominoplasty (Required)
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*Pre-Op Teaching for Abdominoplasty & Body Contouring (Required)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get the same results with liposuction instead of a tummy tuck?
Is a “Mini” Tummy Tuck as effective as a full tummy tuck?
Why does an abdominoplasty require a long scar?
Can a tummy tuck be combined with other procedures?
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Taking the Next Step

Especially with aesthetic treatments, seeing is believing. Please take some time to review our before and afters gallery. It will help you set expectations, and may help you discover questions you have about the procedure. Some of the answers to your questions may be found on this page or in the vendor brochures and educational materials, available for download above.

The best way to affirm your candidacy for this procedure is to consult with Dr. Folk in our Denver practice. Simply call our office, or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

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